Carscope Review Tyre Dressing Application Brush
Now, I should say that when these brushes burst onto the detailing scene, a standard makeup brush happened to fall into my possession. At the time, I was playing with the application of Duel Profile, which is a solvent/silicone based gel dressing. I personally love the finish and find it a perfect winter dressing, but find it an absolute pig to apply in comparison to Stjarnagloss gummy. I know that applying Profile isn’t recommended for these brushes as it effects the bristles and how they are bonded into the handle but thought I’d try to find what worked for me and if it killed the brush so be it as I would be visiting carscope at some point.
First impressions of the brush in comparison to the standard makeup brush were that size and weight were identical, bristles were similar, but there was slightly more resistance in the CS brush. After giving the CS brush a good flick, no bristles came loose, whereas the other one had a few loose to start with.
Application of dressing I would say there is very little difference between the makeup brush and carscope but the upside of the CS brush will likely be in its longevity and durability which I won’t be able to comment on as I’m hammering my other with a less than desirable product and washing it regularly to stop it getting too messed up too quick.
Overall, The brush makes it easy and efficient, the product spreads evenly and the finish is on point. What’s not to want?

Contributing Writer
About the Author: weekend_water_warrior See this and many more reviews on Instagram. Big Thankyou from the team @waxedperfection
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