JennyChem Iron X Bleeding Fallout Remover has a unique formula that dissolves and eliminates stubborn iron oxide deposits creating a silky smooth surface from alloy wheels or painted surfaces.

Iron X Fallout Remover is an excellent Fallout Remover & Wheel Cleaner that contains sodium thiosulphate. This fallout remover turns red on contact with iron particles. It has a pungent fragrance, but it works wonders on wheels and paintwork.

Iron X Bleeding Fallout Remover is a light purple coloured, potent egg smelling colour changing iron fallout remover. It is well presented, and the spray bottle and trigger are of a good quality with easy to follow instructions.
It can be used on paintwork, glass, rubber, lights, trim, and chrome. Simply spray on, wait a few minutes until the iron particles start to dissolve/bleed turning a deep purple colour.
Then rinse off with a pressure washer or hose. You can agitate with a wheel brush for stubborn contamination, a second coating is also not unheard of for really bad wheels.
It also works a treat, easily removing the iron fallout on body panels in one application.
Competitively priced, this is a readily available solid product, that is a must have!
£7.50 1000ml (1ltr)