Best Long Lasting Paloma Car Air Fresheners Review

The most successful long lasting and smelling great car air freshener sold is now available in United Kingdom. With the best value for money and a guaranteed 2 months minimum lasting smell! Paloma strive to give customers a better choice for car air fresheners with best quality and a pleasant smell so that you enjoy every minute in your car.

car air fresheners bulk

Where can you find Paloma Products? Since Paloma have started trading in 2019 Paloma have managed to expand throughout the UK, Paloma products being present in more than 200 shops. You can find them in all the big cities throughout the UK but at the moment the highest numbers of shops are in Birmingham (as this is where Paloma Car Air Fresheners are based).

What is it?

These Paloma Air Fresheners certainly have a design that gets your attention – they describe it as “Perfectly combines the simplistic design with a multitude of perfumes”.

The Paloma car air freshener will make your car interior, office, garage, bathroom or home smell like your favourite scent.

Available in a multitude of smells: Coconut, Pineapple, Strawberry, Sport, New Car and so many many more. A full list can be found on the Paloma website.

How I tested it?

I was approached by Paloma via social media and agreed to do an independent, honest review – so with the car being locked away for 14 weeks due to the UK lockdown this was the perfect opportunity to test out an air freshener (and to make the first back to work journey a bit more pleasant!). I was sent random scent’s to review.

I Liked:

Great smelling scents and a great match, for under £2 each the car air freshener lasted very well, in fact really well – around 2.5 months before it started to become unnoticeable. Love the branding on these and starting from £1.70 each it’s a must purchase.

I didn’t Like:

Nothing not to like really – I wished the scent would run out sooner so I was able to move on to the next scent.


Although with all car air fresheners the smell is always subjective to opinion but these are a great match to the scent name. There isn’t much not to like about these long lasting air fresheners. The scent was good but not over powering, it looks good and is well priced. For a few pounds you may as well give it a shot and I’m sure you won’t regret it. I haven’t seen them sold in many places locally, but they do pop up online, (Direct Website, Ebay, Amazon) or keep an eye out at petrol stations particularly the Birmingham UK areas.

Paloma are looking for resellers.

As an exclusive UK distributor for Paloma brand they also offer wholesale and reseller prices. If you want to sell these great products with a big profit margin don’t hesitate to get in touch with them.